How do I turn it off??

Thu May 10, 2012 5:35 pm in AirDroid Web

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Right from the main screen I hit the BACK arrow and it asked Exit? Yes /
No take it from there POW-zap I'm OUT of there hell yeah


I am sorry to say I just uninstalled Air droid and am very disappointed. In almost every way, it is a wonderful app. But it is impossible to shut it down. I tried your suggestion several times. Pressing the back button while in the app, and sure enough it closes down... For about 5 seconds
Then it opens again in the notifications pane and it to s impossible to get out of it. I do not have this problem with any other app. Very very disappointed. Why do you work so hard to create a wonderful service bit ruin the experience by not allowing users to control when they want to use it? What good does it do when it is permanently on with no choice but to uninstall if you want to turn it off? It is a big shame. I liked it so much but removed it because of this. Sorry for typos, typing on a tiny screen.


How is this not solved yet? programming mistake? Please fix in next update.. I find this very annoying


I too am plagued with this problem.First of all on my Android 2.3.6 phone, even after a fresh restart there is an Airdroid service running taking 4mb of RAM. This is an older phone and I need every MB of RAM available. I've used an autostart manager program to disable it, but it still starts on startup. Also I when I try to stop it under Settings->Applications, nothing happens.

On my Nexus 7 with 4.2.2, after running Airdroid and exiting, the icon remains in my notification bar (and I'm sure still in memory too, haven't bothered to check since I'm not strapped for RAM on this device). This is VERY annoying. When I exit a program, I want to EXIT. I have to reboot my Nexus 7 to get rid of it!

Other than that, it's an amazing program, simply incredible.


Two years later, and the problem persists. A lovely app, I agree, and I wouldn't mind leaving it running except it seems that one cannot reconnect a second time after disconnecting, so I am obliged to use Task Manager to shut it down before I can use Airdroid again. (The Airdroid app itself gives quick access to the task manager via Tools...Tasks.)
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