Contact info issues when receiving SMS

Tue Dec 06, 2011 3:47 am in AirDroid Web

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Contact info issues when receiving SMS

My contacts all have their mobile numbers saved in the format "07XXXXXXXX". However, when receiving an SMS, the number the SMS has been sent from will show up as "+467XXXXXXX" (Sweden). This seems to confuse AirDroid when trying to view contact info from the SMS window. It does fetch the name of the contact correctly, but not the rest of that contact's information. The "Contact Info" and "Call Log" tabs will always be empty when clicking over to them from a received SMS. If I instead go through Contacts to that same contact, all the info shows up.
AirDroid should understand that the "+46" part is the equivalent of the leading zero in the number saved in my contacts (which it seems to do to a certain extent, since it does fetch the correct contact name, but it then loses the rest of that contact's info).
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Thanks for the feedback. Improvement will be made in future updates.
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