Error "Failed to connect. Make sure your device is connected to a same WiFi network"

Thu May 31, 2012 7:28 am in AirDroid Web

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Same problem with my HTC EVO and Firefox 12 but it worked perfectly with Chrome. I suspected NoScript in FF was blocking some element (I whitelisted airdroid)


Same problem
Galaxy S2
Android 4.0.4
Firefox 13.0.1 and IE 9.0.8 on Windows 7 64bit
Won't connect using the passcode nor scanning the QR code, tried different
ports and different PCs, and it won't connect to the IP web address, all PCs in same network segment


I'm having this same issue. I was able to connect via Airdriod for months now. But in the last couple of days I can't connect. Nothing has changed on my network (that I know of) Running Gingerbread on LG G2X, IE and Chrome.


Same problem but can connect via qr password. While can't connect via scanning qr code.Xperia ray
Android 4.0.4
Chrome 20


Hey guys,
had the same problem. I figured out that everything worked in incognito window in chrome. After deleting all cookies it works fine now in normal mode, too. Try it, i hope it helps u guys!


hey guys, i finally found that when turn off firewall can solve these problem. i now can connect via qr code and password!!! maybe u can try it~


Very disappointing. Need more support from team with so many people having so many connection problems.


Have to agree with another person's letter, I read in the forums. Airdroid is a great idea when it is working but a real pain in the bum to get it to function correctly. Even if you get it going one day, that is no guarantee it will work next time you need it.

Have tried all the suggestions above and/or combinations there of, with mixed results but none is permanent.
Despite many e-mails to your support team, I have only received one reply. That gave me the latest version of Airdroid, which is what I had and did not make any difference!! If this is your idea of a support team and customer service then quite frankly it sucks.

My overall impression of Airdroid is as stated above, a great idea but full of bugs that needs to be sorted because as the forums testify it's got too many problems to be viable.

All this hassle just to replace an USB cord. Thanks but no thanks. It's just one hassle too far. My phone is a Motorola Defy. Once I attach the USB Cord, I can go to My Computer Folder and find my phone and card. No problem - simple!! Get the tech knowledgeably and Customer service sorted or come to an end. Don't be half arsed about it.

Wish you the very best for the future but I want no further part. Please delete my account from your files.



I have the same problem. But I found a "part solution". I find I cannot ping my device from my PC: unreachable. This comes on 1 out 4 times. I have an app on the Samsung Galaxy S called Overlook FING. I use it to scan all devices on my wifi network. If I do that, somehow, my device gets recognized on the home network and I can use AIR DROID.


akramnajjar. It looks like iptables is dropping incoming packets unless the connection has already been established.
Quote from my other post earlier today on a similar issue:

Is your device rooted? If so, please read on, or else this entire post does not apply to your case.

Do you have Droidwall running or another app that can change iptables rules (root required)
I had a similar issue yesterday, which was caused by iptables dropping all incoming (new) packets.
In my case the rules were created by droidwall upon install.

The following steps fixed the issue for me:
Install and run Terminal Emulator (or other shell boxes)su (you need root to change iptables)run 'iptables -A INPUT -j ACCEPT' run airdroid and connect via web browser on your computer.
Litte sidenote, this is an ugly fix, you should limit the accept rules to known and trusted ports/subnets, but i am lazy to be honest and needed a fix five minutes ago when applied.
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