Error "Failed to connect. Make sure your device is connected to a same WiFi network"

Thu May 31, 2012 7:28 am in AirDroid Web

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akramnajjar. It looks like iptables is dropping incoming packets unless the connection has already been established.
Quote from my other post earlier today on a similar issue:

Is your device rooted? If so, please read on, or else this entire post does not apply to your case.

Do you have Droidwall running or another app that can change iptables rules (root required)
I had a similar issue yesterday, which was caused by iptables dropping all incoming (new) packets.
In my case the rules were created by droidwall upon install.

The following steps fixed the issue for me:
Install and run Terminal Emulator (or other shell boxes)su (you need root to change iptables)run 'iptables -A INPUT -j ACCEPT' run airdroid and connect via web browser on your computer.
Litte sidenote, this is an ugly fix, you should limit the accept rules to known and trusted ports/subnets, but i am lazy to be honest and needed a fix five minutes ago when applied.


How i figured it out;i disabled windows firewall; didn't work
then i ping my device(from the 192.168.xx:8888), get no results, then i entered to modem and i didn't see my device in the LAN list, Then from my android, i entered to wireless properties > advanced properties i played with properties i am not sure which one did, i unchecked static ip, enable wi-fi proxy. When i disable or check static ip, i can still connect to ip address so i couldn't understand which one did the trick.

As a result, mine was related to wi-fi properties of the android device, try it maybe it works for you too.

HTC Desire Z
Windows Xp
Airties rt-205 Modem


I too had the same problem. I just read the error message again and understood that the internet connection for my mobile and my laptop were from different sources; But both should be in the same WiFi network is the key point to remember. I was using 3G vodafone for my mobile and BSNL broadband for my laptop. I later changed my laptop's connection so that it uses my mobile's internet connection using the WiFi tethering. (you can also change the mobile's internet connection source to the same one as your laptop. But please make sure that both the devices share the same internet connection using WiFi). Now i did visit the and validated the QR code and everything worked fine.
AirDroid is very useful. Its great. I can even get the mobile's clipboard information in my laptop right away.
I transferred 1 GB in just under 5 minutes.

Nothing comes free of cost... may be a little effort is required. But I'm really sorry for the non-technology folks here...



Yeah i used Chrome for a while and it worked fine, switched to oprah, and it doesn.t work there so i just open chrome when i'll use it. Works fine so far.....


yes i have same problemmy devices Samsung mini galaxy S5570
everything is ok before i rooted android
after that this problem still in app
any fix??


I had the same problem. Win7 64bit - IE and Chrome.
It just would not connect when previously worked liked a charm.

SOLUTION - rebooted router and it now works again.


Solved problem by turning off anti virus/security


For me it was working 'till upgrade the version, now I have the same problem as everyone else.


Ok... so... is this forum of any value? We are all complaining, and getting no response from anybody official.

Anyway, my problem is similar, but probably not caused by anything that has fixed it for others.

Laptop - recent Vaio. Using Chrome (and it's not the problem, as you'll see).

Two Android devices:

1. Google Nexus 7, Android 4.1
2. Samsung Galaxy "S" (T-Mobile), Android 2.2

On the Nexus, I can start AirDroid, use the address on the Vaio in Chrome, enter the code, and everything works perfectly. This pretty much removes both the network and the laptop as a problem. Including Windows firewall or any other issues, since it works fine. (Win7x64).

On the Samsung, on the same wi-fi network.I can start AirDroid, but can never connect. I tried both the web.airdroid address, and the direct IP address. I verified both devices are on the same WiFi network and have compatible IP addresses. In all cases, It gets the "failed to connect" message.

On a lark, I tried running Chrome from the Nexus, as the browser to connect to the Samsung - definitely on the same WiFi network. Also no go.

So, is anybody official there? Or is this a bug introduced since a recent version, as it appears from this thread, and at least maybe tell us it's recognized and being worked on?

Thank you.


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