Errors with large files (>4GB)

Tue Oct 09, 2012 2:25 am in AirDroid Web

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Errors with large files (>4GB)

AirDroid seems to have trouble transferring files >4G(i)B. Whether uploading to a (Micro)SD card formatted NTFS, or to the internal storage (ext4), AirDroid still messes up the transfer. First off, it gets the transfer percentage all wrong (it looks like it wraps the file size at 4GB, so a 4.1GB file it thinks it is only going to transfer 100MB, and then the progress goes above 100%. That would be tolerable if it transferred the file correctly, but the transfer seems to stop at 4GB, and then start over again going to a second file. The second file doesn't seem to have the "rest" of the file, it just starts over from the beginning.

AFAICT, it will keep doing this over and over again until the device runs out of disk space or an attentive human notices what's going on and stops it.


OK, it doesn't do the repeats ad infinitum. It does upload the first 4GB of the file twice, and then reports an error that the file is too big.
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