Folder Drag and Drop not working, Importing folders super slow

Thu Jun 21, 2012 3:13 am in AirDroid Web

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Folder Drag and Drop not working, Importing folders super slow

First off, thanks to the developers for creating such a wonderful app. I do have a slight problem transferring files though. I can drag and drop files to the "Files" browser and have them copy over at fantastic speeds 25mb/s + however, when I try to drag and drop folders, the browser quits out of airdroid and instead shows me a list of the contents in the folder I dropped.
The only way to transfer entire folders over at a time is to use the import function and select a folder. However, using this method, the transfer is extremely slow, sometimes <1mb/s. Does anyone know why this is?

I'm using Android 4.0 on Evo 4G LTE and Google Chrome. Any help is appreciated.


You need to open the target folder, then hit 'upload' to open a new window and its that window you can drag and drop to. I however get 'Your browser doesnt support drag and drop' which is annoying as its Chrome, my favourite and only browser I use.


If you can not drag & drop then (as per jmb) select folder (or create new) you want to place file from PC in, right click, select "Upload" then select "Select Files." At this point you should have a file browser shown and can browse, select and upload file(s) to your Android. I used Firefox on Ubuntu 12.04.


Actually in my case, it's upload file not files.. makes moving audiobooks PAINFUL
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