Tasker and "killing" airdroid

Wed Jun 27, 2012 11:48 am in AirDroid Web

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Tasker and "killing" airdroid

Hi, i am trying to use tasker to stop airdroid (as i leave work), unfortunately once stopped about a few seconds later it reopens, ive read this is because it has a persistant service that i assume checks for a forced close and reopens the app, what im looking for is any info on the service or ways to stop the app from reopening, either in airdroid or tasker, if anyone has any help or knows a way to fully kill airdroid using tasker please let me know


no one?


Just found your post when doing research. I've not found a solution for this either. I tried using the kill app task in Tasker, with user root on, to no avail. Then I tried killing all 4 AirDroid apps that show up when you have "All" selected in the menu for choosing the app to kill. Don't know if you tried this. You'll find 4 AirDroid apps. No idea which is which, but killing them all with root on didn't do it.
For now I'm having my exit task bring airdroid back to the foreground so I'm reminded to exit it manually.
THere's got to be a shell command or something that would do the trick but I'm not technical enough to figure that out.


i have found a work around solution for now that works but isnt really ideal, especially if you use airdroid in more then one place, i dont often use it outside of work so for me its ok.
firstly i did notice the 4 airdroid process running and like you killing them all did nothing, and ive tried using a tasker plugin to execute shell commands too but nothing worked, my guess is that there must be a file or something that gets created or written too that tells android to launch the program again should it be force exited, but without developer insight or knowledge of android above mine i dont know for sure.

so anyway my work around solution is this, use tasker's built in app kill to kill airdroid and then a few seconds later i use a plugin called "Secure Settings" to full on disable the app, which basically keeps all of the apps data in place but hides the app from the system so it thinks its not there and cant run it, so obviously the app never opens again and it works too no data is lost ive never had any hiccups with the app after doing it etc. the downside is that the app is disabled until you trigger the tasker thing again so you cant open it manually if you want, to get round this i created a tasker icon thingy that reenables it if i click it ;)

it would be alot easier if it was just a simple kill and move on case but this works for now :)


Hi furys,
thanks for sharing your solution. What i add to my task is that Tasker waits for 4 seconds and after that it enables Airdroid again. So you dont need any other task to enable it ;-)
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