Bug when viewing chat threads of contact with multiple phone numbers

Sat Oct 13, 2012 5:55 am in AirDroid Web

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Bug when viewing chat threads of contact with multiple phone numbers

I tried viewing chat threads of one of my contacts and I noticed something unusual.

I've got one contact with two different phone numbers, one with four messages and the other with two (Picture 1).

When I click on the thread with two messages, I see the two messages of the thread but the phone number displayed is wrong (Picture 2a) (Wrong behaviour).
Switching to the alternate phone number (the correct one) still displays the same messages (Picture 2b).

When I click on the thread with four messages, I see the four messages of the thread with the correct phone number next to it (Picture 3a) (Correct behaviour).
When I switch to the second phone number (the one with two messages), I get the two messages that belong to that thread (Picture 3b) (again, correct behaviour)

NB: All pictures in attachment.


Consider this a duplicate of the thread http://forum.airdroid.com/discussion/88 ... ers#Item_1
I was getting an error while posting the initial message.

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