This is Republic of Korea.
1. apps
- backup to apk files. English is OK. but Korean will be displayed as a question mark.
ex) google apps is google.apk, Korean apps is ????.apk
2. messages
- The message of the Republic of Korea is divided into short and lengthy.
- short is SMS, lengthy is MMS(ex: photo, more than 80 bytes.)
- AirDroid messages service sms is possible but mms is impossible.
Do you understand?
I'm sorry, my English is not good enough.
This is Republic of Korea.
1. apps
- backup to apk files. English is OK. but Korean will be displayed as a question mark.
ex) google apps is google.apk, Korean apps is ????.apk
2. messages
- The message of the Republic of Korea is divided into short and lengthy.
- short is SMS, lengthy is MMS(ex: photo, more than 80 bytes.)
- AirDroid messages service sms is possible but mms is impossible.
Do you understand?
I'm sorry, my English is not good enough.