Computer and device not both wireless

Tue Jan 29, 2013 10:57 pm in AirDroid Web

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Computer and device not both wireless

My computer running Firefox 9.0.1-1 is connected to my modem and my Coby tablet connects wirelessly. Can I still use airdroid? How? Thanks.


Just do not understand why both devices need to be on a wireless network? Oh well this could have been a nice app. Okay, I think I get it. You are not using the cloud for any of this the computer and android device just connect to each other through the wireless network.

That makes this much less usable then I originally thought. You would only be able to link the two as long as you had both connected to the "same" wirless network. Anything you do while on separate networks would only be linkable once you briought the devioces back on the same wireless system again. Thanks
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