XPeria Z SMS not marked read on

Fri Apr 26, 2013 6:24 pm in AirDroid Web

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XPeria Z SMS not marked read on

Hi, I recently changed my phone from XPeria S to XPeria Z. In XPeria S, Airdroid worked perfectly(both v1 and v2 Beta). But in XPeria Z, when I am connected to my PC with AirDroid, and a new message comes. If I first view it with airdroid then the message does not get marked as a read message. Even if I disconnect airdroid and open the message in the phone, it still does not get marked as read and the phone keeps showing that there is a one unread message till I delete this message. This specially happens when someone sends me more than one message when I am connected in airdroid and I see the messages in airdroid rather than the phone.

Is there some setting that I need to change to solve this....

Thanks & regards,

D. Jawahar


Just an addition: Even if I clear the notification bar the messaging app still reports that there is an unread SMS.
D. Jawahar
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