remote connection mode when on the same network

Thu May 02, 2013 6:54 pm in AirDroid Web

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remote connection mode when on the same network

Just recently run into problems getting airdroid to work in LAN mode on my network.
I have both my tablet and computer connected via the same network and yet I can only get airdroid to start in remote connection mode... this is a problem because I cannot now transfer movie files over - principally what I was using the program for.

I've no clue why this is suddenly happening, it was working fine a few days ago.. I've tried refreshing the IP addresses for both devices, and setting those to static IPs but still no luck

any suggestions?

many thanks


OK so this is weird - if I connect airdroid through my windows install it works fine... yes it has a different IP on the network but I don't understand how this could be keeping my ubuntu install only connecting remotely?


I was very satisfied with AirDroid 1.x, however, I said "yes" to the "invitation" to the AirDroid 2.0 beta.
This 2.0 (01-28) beta worked as it should.. one.. or maybe two.. times. Then it could not connect anymore with local network, so I had to use the remote connection. And as you said, there is a maximum 5.0 MB filesize limit (naturally, since it is a free service) when you use the remote connection and have to send everything via the AirDroid servers in Seattle, WA. So basically, AirDroid became useless to me. I wanted to go back to AirDroid 1.x, but none of Android's usual "remove / uninstall app" worked. I as stuck with AirDroid 2.0 (01-28) beta, and figured my only option was a full reset.
But I first posted here, asking if anyone knew how to uninstall AirDroid 2.0, and I got the answer to that..!
(Even if I didn't see it, since I got no notification on email that someone had replied, not until the *next* person replied. And by then, AirDroid had been updated to 2.0 *final version* - which now works 100% in local mode, or so-called "lite connection mode" - so I can finally use it again!) :-)

So my suggestions:

a) If you have AirDroid 2.0 (01-28) beta, update it to either AirDroid 2.0 *final version* (AirDroid 2.0-50),
or AirDroid 2.0.1.

b) If you already have either AirDroid 2.0 *final version* or AirDroid 2.0.1, then uninstall it,
using the way that theediot told me

- that is, clicking the Settings icon in the top-right corner..

- and then clicking on Uninstall AirDroid..

- then turn your phone off, and remove the battery for like 30 seconds,
and then finally install AirDroid 2.0-50 or AirDroid 2.0.1
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