Please provide a v1 APK from an official source.

Fri May 03, 2013 5:50 am in AirDroid Web

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Please provide a v1 APK from an official source.

It seems your v2 roll-out has bugs, serious ones. The app is completely unusable, please provide a v1 APK so we can downgrade in the meantime. So far the only v1 APKs out there are on shady sites or in mediafire hosts which could have been modified to include malicious code.

Please provide a direct-from-source location for v1 so we can continue using the app while you fix these issues.

(Note: With people jumping ship on their own accord you have nothing to lose by letting them have v1, because right now they're going to blame YOU *the developers* for the problems they encounter with any APK downloaded from an unofficial source)
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