"Ghost Connection"

Wed May 29, 2013 8:48 am in AirDroid Web

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"Ghost Connection"

I have my AirDroid 2 connected via Google+ account to my SGS4, works great, but today I had two connections onto my phone when I wasn't doing anything with it, no one else has access to my account.
The first time I closed AirDroid 2 (Exit) to stop the connection, then a few minutes later it connected again. To stop that I Signed Out of AirDroid 2 on my phone and the connection concern has stopped (obviously).

Can anyone provide me any suggestions for this issue? Is there a log I can check to see the IP address of the PC that connected to my phone?



Also, my phone was on "Secured with pattern" so it shouldn't have "granted" access from my limited knowledge of this app.
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