App closes while doing other tasks

Fri Jun 07, 2013 9:58 am in AirDroid Web

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App closes while doing other tasks

I don't know if I'm the only one experiencing this problem, but when I run AirDroid and then press the home button to go do other tasks on my phone, it will run temporarily in the background and then exit it self. I googled online and it said that pressing the home button will only work temporarily until other bigger memory processes run and will begin closing background apps. Is there a way to fix this, or should I put in the requests section that this program should be running as a Service as opposed to just a regular app?


Nope. You're not alone. It does it for me too. and it's driving me crazy. I keep it open in a browser full time, and I'm constantly having to restart the program and reload the webpage.


I figured it out! On your phone go into settings and turn of Power Saving Mode!
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