Airdroid freezes / crashes when transferring music to external SD card using Chrome on Mac

Thu Jun 20, 2013 5:14 pm in AirDroid Web

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Airdroid freezes / crashes when transferring music to external SD card using Chrome on Mac

I'm trying to transfer all my music to my external loaded 32BG SD card. I open files, go to external SD and then the music folder. I then click the upload button and select all my folders (about 60 of them 14GB worth). It starts to bring across the folders and a couple of music files and then everything freezes. Then Chrome says the window has stopped responding. I've tried waiting but that never works.I also tried drag and drop but the most I can drag over at a time is 2-5 folders. Any more and if I do it too fast, it crashes again.
I use Airdroid for mainly wanting to transfer music but there's no point if it can't transfer more than a couple of files at a time without crashing.

Any known bugs and improvements coming on this? Or work arounds?
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