remove 2nd device so 1st can connect

Thu Jun 27, 2013 1:39 am in AirDroid Web

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remove 2nd device so 1st can connect

I just started using this product and am excited about it. It connected to my Droid perfectly. But as 99% of the people I've read about in these postings, I added a 2nd device, a Galaxy Tab 2. That's when it started flaking on me. Now I see it does not support tablets as well as 2 devices. Now, when I start the program, it always connects to my bad connection of the Galaxy Tab.
I have tried uninstalling the Tab version, but it seems it can not be uninstalled by the uninstall buttons. Is there another way to remove the app for the Tab? I have also tried removing the device from the browser version but it doesn't seem to have an option for that either.


First of all I have been using my tablet since about ver 1.0.7 and it has worked perfectly. otherwise the two devices problem is an issue as I got and emulator for android and dont have easy access to the files on the emulator
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