Airdroid signing in randomly to different account(s)

Thu Jul 25, 2013 11:54 pm in AirDroid Web

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Airdroid signing in randomly to different account(s)

Phone: Samsung Galaxy Ace 2 with Jelly Bean 4.1.2
I installed Airdroid from play store and signed in in with airdroid, later with google account.
After several app starts/device reboots airdroid signing in to a random (not mine!) account I can see it from the account settings.
I recognized this bug when I wouldn't abble to reach my phone from the computers browser.

Edit: This also causes that phone locator shows incorrect location, I'm in Europe and shows I was in Shanghai 40 minutes ago.
airdroidAdmin Admin


Hi Szaby59,
We're investigating the issue. Please send us your AirDroid account email to Thanks for your feedback.
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