BUG Download image zip failure can result in user deleting images unintentionally

Thu Apr 09, 2015 6:42 am in AirDroid App

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BUG Download image zip failure can result in user deleting images unintentionally

Samsung Galaxy Note 4, All latest from T-Mobile (not yet Android 5).
Here's the problem, and it caused me to lose many images. It appears that if you start a download of an image zip file while another previous download is going on, that download is canceled or otherwise fails to appear in the download folder. But because one doesn't know this, one then deletes the pics "downloaded". Total loss. And note that there is no warning not to start a second download (which should work anyway), and no error indicating the failure of the earlier download. It simply doesn't appear in the target directory.

I'll try not to tell you how terrible it is to lose such mementos.
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