Airdroid App won't sign in S4 lollipopquestion

Thu Jun 04, 2015 7:45 am in AirDroid App

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Airdroid App won't sign in S4 lollipop

Airdroid App won't sign in with my S4 and lollipop. both connections via 192.168.x.x:8888 and works fine (both shows android 5 on the phone spec. but they say I cannot delete sms because I'm running andorid 4.4!?!?! not so importanti to fix).

I registered from the web site side and when I'm trying to loggin from the app it ask me for the registration! (I checked and double checked ID and password) if I try to register from the app side it show the e.mail is invalid (I suppose it is correct because e-mail is already used!). Already uninstalled and installed the app some times and cleared cache.

any solution?

thanks to all in advance
Coffee Admin

Re: Airdroid App won't sign in S4 lollipop

Airdroid App won't sign in with my S4 and lollipop. both connections via 192.168.x.x:8888 and works fine (both shows android 5 on the phone spec. but they say I cannot delete sms because I'm running andorid 4.4!?!?! not so importanti to fix).

I registered from the web site side and when I'm trying to loggin from the app it ask me for the registration! (I checked and double checked ID and password) if I try to register from the app side it show the e.mail is invalid (I suppose it is correct because e-mail is already used!). Already uninstalled and installed the app some times and cleared cache.

any solution?

thanks to all in advance 

Sorry that deleting SMS on Android 4.4+ is not supported because Google has restricted the access to it :(

As to register an AirDroid account, would you please register again on or I've tried registration on my side and it works well. (Our record shows that you've deleted your AirDroid account).

Let me know if you need more help :)
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