Why camera streaming has very low fps?

Sat Oct 03, 2015 8:50 am in AirDroid App

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Александр Чиченин

Why camera streaming has very low fps?

We have a number of android devices, installed all over our property. Currently we are using some other software to stream video from the devices. And everything works just fine (30fps with a pretty good quality in FullHD).

Personally, I don't think that unless AirDroid could replace that multy-camera setup any time soon, but I just tried and noticed really significant issues in AirDroid remote camera implementation (5 fps, with the same hardware).

I'm pretty sure that if this feature is implemented properly a lot of people could use AirDroid to create pretty interesting streaming solutions, basically using phones as cameras during small events and postprocessing that on the PC. And maybe in future you could even create AirDroid web-cam emulation drivers or just open RTSP endpoints.
Александр Чиченин
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