AirDroid app closesquestion

Fri Apr 08, 2016 8:20 am in AirDroid App

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AirDroid app closes

I have installed AirDroid and it works good. But sometimes when i want to connect to the phone the AirDroid app on phone is closed and I must start it again. Is there something to do that makes the app not close?
al-essa. al-ess likes this post.

Re: AirDroid app closes

Verizon pushed out an Android update to Marshmallow yesterday eastern time. After update my airdroid no longer wakes up my phone and will only connect if the airdroid app is up and running. Now I just get time out errors constantly and the app is unusable! I'm not sure if I need to change any settings as airdroid was working wonderfully yesterday prior to the Android update.

Re: AirDroid app closes

a alguien le pasa que se le queda colgado y da continuos errores??? a que es debido
saleh Alseheri

Re: AirDroid app closes

saleh Alseheri
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