Airdroid notification from Android 'Service is running'

Thu Dec 27, 2018 7:24 pm in AirDroid App

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Airdroid notification from Android 'Service is running'

Airdroid has started leaving a persistent notification in the notifications tray warning that "Airdroid Service is running".

This isn't a characteristic of any other apps I use (Settings app shows 15 apps with running services) - so I believe this should be something AirDroid can fix too. If the app exits, the service doesn't need to keep running.

Exiting Airdroid (2x Back button from home screen) does not terminate the service. I have to go into Settings app and terminate the running service to get rid of the notification


Re: Airdroid notification from Android 'Service is running'

I have the same problem. Extremely annoying!
Going to uninstall AirDroid if this isn't fixed very soon.
Also, the app is now stuffed with poor language and horrible grammar. Looks very unprofessional, like a shady scam app. Can't believe they don't review the text before they publish it.

Re: Airdroid notification from Android 'Service is running'

i mentioned this problem on dec 24 and no reply :(
Dav Ko

Re: Airdroid notification from Android 'Service is running'

Hiya, I saw this bug first time today after my Samsung Galaxy S7 applied a new Android security patch. Hope it will be solved.
best, d.
Dav Ko

Re: Airdroid notification from Android 'Service is running'

This started happening with me this morning. It's irritating, I hope someone comes up with a solution soon.
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