File permissions on uploaded files

Mon Aug 27, 2018 8:55 pm in Other Issues

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File permissions on uploaded files

I'm not 100% sure that this issue is due to Airdroid but it is involved so I'm gonna post it here and see if I need to delve deeper or not..

Ok, I'm on Android 6.0, Samsung Tab2(using OmniROM)... My ext sdcard is formatted ext4. When I upload files via Airdroid, I can't read the files in other apps(Pocketbook reader specifically but there may be others). When I pull out the sdcard and check it on my linux machine it shows that the uploaded files are UID 10009 which happens to be the external storage app, and the permissions are set at 660(rw-rw----). If I change the permissions to 666(rw-rw-rw), I can read them in Pocketbook no problem.

I'm not sure if this is Airdroid's interaction with the externalstorage app that's setting the 660 permissions, or if externalstorage is setting it on its own.

Any help I can get in debugging this would be great as I don't do Android dev work and don't understand the externalstorage app or how it handles permissions.

Edit: this appears to be specifically regarding the external sdcard because I just tried uploading a file to the internal and Pocketbook was able to read that without the "permissions dance". I'm still not sure if it's Airdroid or the exteranalstorage app at the heart of this but at least I have one more piece of the puzzle.

Re: File permissions on uploaded files

I'm 100% sure that this issue is due to Airdroid because when I prepare for my <a href="">AmityJEE</a> exam on the device this error occurs.
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