I need to do a factory reset on my phone

Tue Apr 22, 2014 8:43 am in Other Issues

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I need to do a factory reset on my phone

Will I still have access to what's on my phone now, prior to the reset, when I view my account using my laptop?

If that's a yes, then will I be able to then transfer that info back onto my phone?

If the answer is no, then is there some way to save the info onto my computer itself? That is since I don't have an SD card.


Hi KinKStar,
Sorry for the late reply.

If you want to reset your phone, you have to backup the data in your phone first.

Sorry that AirDroid now doesn't support data backup. You may try some 3rd party apps :)

Feel free to let us know if you need any help.


Yeah, I'm already done with all that drama! Thanks though for at least letting me know I'm not invisible!

I use my laptop to recharge my phone, and download any pictures, so didn't lose those. Nothing vital lost really, just some text message and so what!

As for backing up my phone . . . I still don't have a way to do that, so guess I better look into it, huh?

Thanks again!


Good to hear that everything is OK :)
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or suggestions on AirDroid.
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