photo blakc intrus airdroid oneplus onequestion

Sun Jan 10, 2016 10:42 pm in Other Issues

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The Darck

photo blakc intrus airdroid oneplus one

SO i have a oneplus one on CrDroid ROM (6.0.1) based on CM13, rooted.
And i have install air droid and i have activated the premium year.
But the function find my phone doesn't work correctly... i have test and the picture are black all the time! and without GPS, the localisation set me in the center of the france without i'm in Lyon!!

It's a problem about 6.0.1 ? about CM13 or my rom??*

The Darck
The Darck

Re: photo blakc intrus airdroid oneplus one

And i went to test the camera app and it doesn't want to connect ! ....
The Darck
The Darck

Re: photo blakc intrus airdroid oneplus one

the screen mirroring doesn't work too...

I specify that i am on the same network WIFI-AC
The Darck
The Darck

Re: photo blakc intrus airdroid oneplus one

A bottle in the ocean....
The Darck
Dora Admin

Re: photo blakc intrus airdroid oneplus one

SO i have a oneplus one on CrDroid ROM (6.0.1) based on CM13, rooted.
And i have install air droid and i have activated the premium year.
But the function find my phone doesn't work correctly... i have test and the picture are black all the time! and without GPS, the localisation set me in the center of the france without i'm in Lyon!!

It's a problem about 6.0.1 ? about CM13 or my rom??*

Hi, sorry for the inconvenience.
FindPhone Feature: Please check if you have turned on FindPhone feature on your phone and GPS is opened.

Camera: Make sure that your PC and phone are in the same networks. If yes, is there any error message and can you send us the screenshot of it?
The Darck

Re: photo blakc intrus airdroid oneplus one

Hi,Thank you for your answer.
I haven't airdroid app in my localisation settings...
And for the camera, i have test on the same network and other (WIFI/WIFI and 4G/wifi)

I will check this evening.
The Darck
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