AirMirror icon missing in AirDroid

Sat Feb 06, 2016 4:05 pm in Other Issues

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Bill Causer

AirMirror icon missing in AirDroid

I don't remember the last time I used Airmirror, but I wanted to use it today and for some reason, the binocular icon is missing from my toolbar. I checked that the program was up to date, and of course, my Nexus 5 is rooted. I'm not sure why the icon is missing, or what happened to it, but I'd like it back. I saw a similar thread a couple of months ago, but there wasn't any resolution to it. Does anyone know why my icon is missing and how to get it back? Thank you
Bill Causer
aka. Virtuoz

Re: AirMirror icon missing in AirDroid

Have the same problem
aka. Virtuoz
calvin beck

Re: AirMirror icon missing in AirDroid

I don't see the binoculars icon on the left anymore, but I found it a different place...

Click on your device under My Devices
There is a binoculars icon on the lower right. Click it
Choose AirMirror

I hope this helps

Edit: Oh, and my guess for why it was moved - You can connect multiple devices to AirDroid, so having AirMirror at the device level makes more sense.

calvin beck
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