How to delete device if I login via G+ account?question

Thu Jun 16, 2016 5:40 pm in Other Issues

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Igor Kogay

How to delete device if I login via G+ account?

I have registered via G+ account. So I don't know password for my AirDroid account.
When I try to delete my old device it always ask for password. My G+ password doesn't work. How can I delete old device?
Igor Kogay
Charlene Admin

Re: How to delete device if I login via G+ account?

I have registered via G+ account. So I don't know password for my AirDroid account.
When I try to delete my old device it always ask for password. My G+ password doesn't work. How can I delete old device?

Hi Igor,it would ask you to sign up when you log in via G+. Maybe you've set another password for it if your G+ password doesn't work. Could you please give it a try again? :)
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