Why use another browser when IE9 performs just as well???

Sun Jan 15, 2012 6:16 am in Other Issues

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Why use another browser when IE9 performs just as well???

Hi all,
i'm new to AirDroid, i use it on my Samsung Galaxy S and it runs better than Samsung's Kies Software, but one thing confused me.
Upon entering the landing page for my phone i was presented with a message informing me that the performance is being approved across browsers. for best results choose from one of our recommended i.e Chrome, Firefox or Safari. Why?
My primary browser is IE9, i've never had a problem with it, in fact i have always used Internet Explorer. i find Firefox to be too heavy on memory usage, Chrome to be updated too often that i cannot keep with which build is current and Safari is a lame duck.
I find that IE9 performs no differently when using AirDroid than if i were to use firefox, i experience no lag, spead reduction, crashes, script errors or anything that would cause me to move browsers for a better experience. So i find that having this message appear to be of a misleasing nature, perhaps to increase market share for the other open sourced based browsers.
The message in question however would be more suited if a user was using IE6 for some strange reason.
So please remove the message as such a thing is misleading.


Why use another browser when IE9 performs just as well?

Android is Linux based. Most of the android developers are Linux nuts and the only way to install IE on Linux is with wine or something like that. By choosing Android you've inadvertently come over the the dark side.. or at least show some Linux support.

Not to mention all IEs (yes even IE9) are lame to develop and test on. Their developer console imho has just barely moved them into 3rd place. The product I work on has more fixes for IE memory leaks than FF memory leaks and none for Chrome... not to mention more fixed for IE's "unique" DOM elements and attributes.

I agree you can't release a web product without IE support but this is a beta. I'm sure Airdroid is planning to support IE9 in the first release.


I'm a Windows/Citrix engineer, and unfortunately, all versions of IE, (at the moment) are tested and designed around Microsoft's own standards rather than open industry standards. This means that things like text boxes, columns and lists are interpreted slightly differently than in other browser. On most sites, this is fine, but when it comes to dynamic web applications where content is being generated outside on the fly and then displayed it can cause some funnies.
I support a couple of dozen web apps, and approximately 30% of those supplied by a third party don't play nicely with IE, and require some kind of alternate browser. For us, this means we've had to build citrix boxes specifically to deliver Firefox and/or Chrome to users of these apps rather than just allow to access it from their IE session on the primary Citrix Desktop.

I have to say, IE9 is much better than 7 or 8. It's still too tied into the OS though. If want to upgrade the browser, I don't want to have to restart my OS.


This is why http://html5test.com/;

IE 9 scores : 141 Points.
Firefox(Aurora) 12 scores : 374 points
Chrome 16 scores : 374 points.



Just look at holding a copy of Chrome on your machine as if it were a Airdroid 'client' application.

It might come in handy for other HTML5 problems you might experience on IE.

Not long ago a large proportion of the world were using IE, and sites were primarily designed for it as No 1 priority. But things change. And for very good reason. I think Microsoft's mistakes were made in versions 7 & 8, when the operating resources that IE could potentially gobble up were ridiculous for something as relatively simple as a web browser.

Now they have to play catch up. But current statistics show that Chrome/Firefox are the chosen browsers of around 75% of the online population. So the chances are, that someone downloading Airdroid, will have one of these lurking somewhere.

For HTML5 we apps they are a must-have.


Why is IE9 not a recommended browser by many web apps? Because it actually ISN'T as good. The devs aren't misleading you into thinking IE9 is evil due to political or business reasons... it isn't some ignorance or idealism of linux or mac or mobile developers.
The facts are that IE9 has a dramatically smaller subset of HTML5 support, CSS3 support, as well as having a slower javascript engine (yes even in the dramatically improved IE9).

IE9 is certainly much better than past versions of IE. but it lags behind the other browsers in standards compliance and feature support so much that it simply can't do many of the things that modern web applications require of their host browser.

It's always been bad that Microsoft pushes IE on windows customers - it's doubly bad that in this day and age of information sharing and knowledge I see a blog post asking why IE9 isn't a recommended browser by a complex web application because the blog poster has been brainwashed by Microsoft's (very effective) marketing into thinking that IE9 actually IS as good a browser as the rest.

In fact microsoft would have you believe it's better than the rest.

I'm a senior front end web developer. I'm happy that IE9 exists rather than having to live with IE8 or older as the microsoft web browser, but life would be infinitely better for developers like myself and also for end users like yourself if Microsoft would get off of their ego trip and stop trying to play catch up in the web browser market.

They should just give Chrome out (best performance, nicest UI) or firefox (really good performance but older clunkier UI) and there by deliver better web performance to windows customers rather than continually pushing them away from windows because the Mac default browser (Safari) out perform the windows default browser (IE9).

IE is an archaic business model that doesn't financially help Microsoft in any way currently. TIme to let it go Mr. Ballmer.


As a senior web developer, IE9 and earlier versions, are the WORST Web broser ever made, because it's does not follow the standards of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript that most of the web apps use. Developing an app that works well in all the brosers that includes IE, is like to get the holy grial or expect a miracle.

It produces headache for web developers and designers, so I recommend you toinstall another browser in your machine, if you like to experiencie the real world of the web.
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