Today, there is December 5th. I did`n run device since my last post and I`m logged out from service again.
"Start service on launch" option is again "on" and software force me to login again. It`s look like airdroid do not keep me authorized for a long time when device is off without power. Maybe that can be a problem.... I do not keep Android TV connected to power for a long time. When I`m running it i plug in device to external battery and boot system that was not powered for a long of time. I do not have any new discoveries ...
"Start service on launch" option is again "on" and software force me to login again. It`s look like airdroid do not keep me authorized for a long time when device is off without power. Maybe that can be a problem.... I do not keep Android TV connected to power for a long time. When I`m running it i plug in device to external battery and boot system that was not powered for a long of time. I do not have any new discoveries ...