My phone is lost

Wed Sep 20, 2017 9:47 am in Other Issues

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My phone is lost

Sir please help phone is lost.

Airdroid is installed in it
But it is switch-off by thief
Plz help me sir I m a army officer and there are so many important file are there in my phone
Ceciclia Garcia

Re: My phone is lost

When you cannot find your Android phone, you need to make sure whether your phone is lost.

If you cannot find your mobile phone, the first thing you need to do is to ensure whether the device is really lost or just misplaced. You can simply confirm that by calling the device. Or you can use Android Device Manager to track the device. If you make sure that the device is truly gone, you need to take action right away.
Ceciclia Garcia
Emily Baker

Re: My phone is lost

You'd better develop a good habit of backing up all your messages. You can complete it simply with the software MobiKin Assistant for Android. It can greatly reduce the possibility of losing messages in your daily life. And the action of backing up seems to be much easier than restoring.
Emily Baker

Re: My phone is lost

If you have lost your phone, before you need to add something in your phone as an application you need to lock your screen, password protection can be enable din your phone so that if you lost your phone user cannot use your phone you can easily track your phone if you have the imei number of the handset so you may need to go to the service Centre.

Re: My phone is lost

i cannot sign in , please help
Alex Guan

Re: My phone is lost

If the phone you lose is a work phone, you cannot forget to inform your employer. That's because the phone saves the information of your clients and colleagues and work-related files. So it would be a big problem if the thief reveals these data. What's more, after knowing the truth, your company can take preventive steps to secure its data. For example, your company might be able to delete the data on your phone remotely.

At last, remember to erase the data on your phone which can 100% guarantee the security of your phone data. But you are only suggested to do this operation when you absolutely ensure that the phone is stolen cause these erased data is unable to be recovered unless you have backed up them to computer or other device in advance.
Ceciclia Garcia likes this post.
Alex Guan

Re: My phone is lost

When I left my phone in Uber car after conference I was devastated and was panicking a lot. But then I used Android Device Manager and tracked the device, called my Uber driver and he returned it safely.
Junction 11 Mot

Re: My phone is lost

If you have lost your phone and your phone is android then make sure, you need to lock your screen, password protection or pin. That case no one can easily enable your phone.
Junction 11 Mot
Billy Beckham

Re: My phone is lost

Once you lose your phone, the most important thing is to change the passcodes of the accounts that you have signed in on the device. To achieve that, you can login to your accounts on computer and then go with the instructions on the screen to change the passwords. This would protect the security of your personal information and property.
Billy Beckham
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