Connected to phone, but can not control/click...on phone's screenquestion

Wed Sep 05, 2018 2:32 am in Other Issues

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Connected to phone, but can not control/click...on phone's screen

- I have connected to my phone from airdroid app on my desktop via airmirror function, but can not do anything on on phone's screen. No touch, no click... The phone is rooted and Airdroid has got all the permissions
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Re: Connected to phone, but can not control/click...on phone's screen

- I have connected to my phone from airdroid app on my desktop via airmirror function, but can not do anything on on phone's screen. No touch, no click... The phone is rooted and Airdroid has got all the permissionsAttachmentsImage


Thank you for your feedback.

Would you please turn on the USB simulated input in the Developer Options to see if is work.

Best Regards.

Re: Connected to phone, but can not control/click...on phone's screen

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Re: Connected to phone, but can not control/click...on phone's screen

My device is facing the same problem, I have a Redmi Note 5 Pro, it's not rooted too. The only thing I have done with this device is I have just unlocked the Bootloader. The thing which is happening is that whenever I am connecting my device it is freezing. Thanks in advance for your help.
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