New Audio/Visual Feature Request . . . Please. :-)solved!

Thu May 07, 2015 6:49 pm in Feature Requests

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New Audio/Visual Feature Request . . . Please. :-)


I first of all want to thank the developer for making such an amazing app . . . thank you!  There are a few things however that I would really, really, like to see added soon.....

1.  The ability to access the microphone (on/off) to listen to the phone's surroundings.  The ability to record the audio would be nice too but just being able to listen would be really useful.  This would be very helpful in a number of situations including using the phone as a baby monitor.

2.  The ability to listen to phone calls being made with my phone.  The ability to record these calls would be nice but just being able to listen to them would be very helpful.  For instance, if a parent suspect a child of secretly using their phone.

3.  Siilar to the camera funtion is would be really great to be able to activate/access the video function . . . this way the real time image quality would be greatly enhanced as compared to remotly activating the camera and hopefully the audio would be working as well so you could hear what's going on while watching it.  This way you could use the phone as an awesome video baby monitor.

5.  And of course, all of the above function would not cause any sort of sound, display change, or notification on the phone itself.

Thanks!  :-)
Coffee Admin

Re: New Audio/Visual Feature Request . . . Please. :-)


I first of all want to thank the developer for making such an amazing app . . . thank you!  There are a few things however that I would really, really, like to see added soon.....

1.  The ability to access the microphone (on/off) to listen to the phone's surroundings.  The ability to record the audio would be nice too but just being able to listen would be really useful.  This would be very helpful in a number of situations including using the phone as a baby monitor.

2.  The ability to listen to phone calls being made with my phone.  The ability to record these calls would be nice but just being able to listen to them would be very helpful.  For instance, if a parent suspect a child of secretly using their phone.

3.  Siilar to the camera funtion is would be really great to be able to activate/access the video function . . . this way the real time image quality would be greatly enhanced as compared to remotly activating the camera and hopefully the audio would be working as well so you could hear what's going on while watching it.  This way you could use the phone as an awesome video baby monitor.

5.  And of course, all of the above function would not cause any sort of sound, display change, or notification on the phone itself.

Thanks!  :-) 

That sounds awesome! But, for some technical limitations, I think it will be a long way to go :) 
Coffee Admin

Re: New Audio/Visual Feature Request . . . Please. :-)


I first of all want to thank the developer for making such an amazing app . . . thank you!  There are a few things however that I would really, really, like to see added soon.....

1.  The ability to access the microphone (on/off) to listen to the phone's surroundings.  The ability to record the audio would be nice too but just being able to listen would be really useful.  This would be very helpful in a number of situations including using the phone as a baby monitor.

2.  The ability to listen to phone calls being made with my phone.  The ability to record these calls would be nice but just being able to listen to them would be very helpful.  For instance, if a parent suspect a child of secretly using their phone.

3.  Siilar to the camera funtion is would be really great to be able to activate/access the video function . . . this way the real time image quality would be greatly enhanced as compared to remotly activating the camera and hopefully the audio would be working as well so you could hear what's going on while watching it.  This way you could use the phone as an awesome video baby monitor.

5.  And of course, all of the above function would not cause any sort of sound, display change, or notification on the phone itself.

Thanks!  :-) 

That sounds awesome! But, for some technical limitations, I think it will be a long way to go :) 

Re: New Audio/Visual Feature Request . . . Please. :-)

Thanks for the feedback.  Are any of these features an option in the near future?
Coffee Admin

Re: New Audio/Visual Feature Request . . . Please. :-)

Thanks for the feedback.  Are any of these features an option in the near future? 

Recently we don't have any plans on the features you mentioned. Sorry.

Re: New Audio/Visual Feature Request . . . Please. :-)

That sounds awesome! But, for some technical limitations, I think it will be a long way to go Image  

Why ? If for instance I'd use a screen recorder on my laptop while viewing the camera real-time via, I'd be able to make a video, no? A laggy video, but it would still be useful identifying thiefs ! It seems possible, technically speaking
Coffee Admin

Re: New Audio/Visual Feature Request . . . Please. :-)

Why ? If for instance I'd use a screen recorder on my laptop while viewing the camera real-time via, I'd be able to make a video, no? A laggy video, but it would still be useful identifying thiefs ! It seems possible, technically speaking 

I've collected the feature request and sent this to the team. We'll consider this Image

Re: New Audio/Visual Feature Request . . . Please. :-)

I really want this feature. Being able to listen in on the phone's surroundings if it were stolen would be great to pick up clues of where the people are, maybe hear a name, hear them talking about the crime or where they are heading. It would also be useful as a quickly deployable baby monitor and as others have said if it could be recordable along with video even better but even just an audio stream would be great.
5 min

Re: New Audio/Visual Feature Request . . . Please. :-)

If i lost my phone the camera option is good but if i could hear the sound it Will be nice and helpful. And if i could not Just locate the phone but track it and see where it was before it Will be great to. Thats for me the only features missing in This awesome app. Thank you to consider it!
5 min

Re: New Audio/Visual Feature Request . . . Please. :-)


Just wanted to know if there is any timeline for the feature, specially listening through mic.

Re: New Audio/Visual Feature Request . . . Please. :-)

I think an app called "the truth spy" does that, but I really don't like the app in general. I love Airdroid, and would really love to see this feature being there.
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