Entering phone numbers with country code beginning with a "+"

Tue Sep 17, 2013 2:15 am in Feature Requests

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Entering phone numbers with country code beginning with a "+"

Most mobile phones allow entering the telephone numbers together with the country code, e.g. 0049 69 12345678 (In this example, "0049" is the country code for Germany). This approach is useful when going abroad because one may phone home without changing the telephone number by adding the country code.

However, there are some few countries which require country codes which do NOT start with "00" but with another string.

There is a useful convention to accommodate these differences in "spelling" the country code: The country code starts with "+" followed by a non-zero digit, e.g. Instead of "0049" you may specify "+49", or "+7" for Russia.

Unfortunately Airdroid does not allow for entering "+49" in the web browser, it immediately discards the "+"; instead you must enter "0049".
Interestingly Airdroid preserves an existing "+49..." telephone number if the phone number is not changed but some other fields when editing a contact.

It would be great if you allow for entering the country code with a "+" in Airdroid.

Thanks a lot in advance.



Any update on this?I also really need to be able to use the +32... format but the Airdroid Contacts webinterface always deletes the "+" sign.

Last week I entered my complete contact list via Airdroid and only now I found out why I can's text any of those numbers...

Also, all incoming caller id's use this numberformat here in Belgium (and I think most of Europe).

Thank you.


Thanks for your feedback and sorry for the inconvenience this might have caused.
Do you mean when you tried to send SMS, the phone number with +32 or +49 would disappear? If yes, this is a known bug and we will fix this in future updates.
Or you mean when you tried to make a call?
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