I Love Airdroid, But....

Sun Sep 29, 2013 5:06 am in Feature Requests

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I Love Airdroid, But....

Don't get me wrong, I think this is application device support being done right but there are just some things in Airdroid make the app problematic and totall totally takeaway from the application user experience I hardly ever use it. These may be just be personal usage situations or part of a lack of understanding but they do mean I won't spend money upgrading to premium because there isn't value here. Now understand that I'm looking at this purely from a user experience perspective, I simply start the app connect and want to do some particularly simple task with a particular outcome.I have a rooted Samsung Galaxy SIII and a Galaxy Note 10.1. Both have 64GB Ext SD cards installed. On the desktop side I run On MacOSX and have access to Windows 7 running in Parallels on the Mac. I have Kies Air installed too. Its slow though but works.

1/ In Airdroid Desktop the SG III device lists correctly identified but shows both the Internal and external SD card capacities incorrectly. The internal is 16GB and external is 64GB yet both list as 12GB. I get the whole virtualized filesystem thing but Kies can correctly identify capacities so Airdroid should be competently able to do the same. This inability to perform such a basic reporting task has a significant impact on my desire to make AirDroid a goto application and substantially detracts from my perception of it as a reliable tool. Its been that way since Airdroid 1. Same thing applies to my Galaxy Note 10.1 BTW.

2/ Uploading Music. A common task for my world. The thing is I purchased a large SD Card to put the music on and by default Airdroid puts all music onto the internal Card. I want to keep that as free as possible from media and data that I can put on my external card in order to maximize free space internally and give the device caches plenty of room to work and therefore keep my devices speedy. Yeah I know Android tries to manage this on the newer O/Ses and devices and if it worked well I would drink that Koolaid but it doesn't, so I want the ability to upload music to the media folder of my external SD Card and it would be a HUGE benefit to be able to specify which folders to open when you open the music folders shortcut on the Airdroid desktop. The other thing that Airdroid BADLY needs to do in such cases is ACTUALLY show the path in the filesystem that it is looking at for such aliases. If I had the ability to specify the default location that is opened when the music shortcut is clicked I would be a much more satisfied user. I do now know you can create user shortcuts to but having the builtin ability would be most useful as well. Same thing applies to Movies, Camera Pictures and Ringtones.

3/ Toolbox File Upload. Plain and simple needs a default config item to be able to specify the default upload location. A real bonus would be to have subitems listed for uploads to Music Videos & Pictures. It is a serious problem IMO that I cannot change the default file upload location. That substantially detracts from the usefulness of the functionality.

4/ Search. A useful and most worthwhile function but it suffer from the awful ability to only search in the current folder and not cascade down through subfolders, essentially making Airdroid search worthless. Additional capabilities would be to search specific types of files. Music / Video etc.

There more but the combination of these 4 things ruin the user experience for me so profoundly I seldom use Airdroid and simply don't have confidence in its abilities to do what I need, how I need and that is a huge shame because in so many other ways Airdroid is an awesome app.


Thank you very much for your suggestions and feedback!

AirDroid keeps making improvements all the time. And we will take your suggestions into consideration and try to make improvements in future updates.

We really appreciate your suggestions. Thanks.


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