Please add Sending and Receiving the Message of Whatsapp from Desktop.

Fri Dec 13, 2013 4:08 am in Feature Requests

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Please add Sending and Receiving the Message of Whatsapp from Desktop.

I think so Now a Days WhatsApp has replaced the Default Messenger.And Almost all the people use whatsapp now..

So please Add the Way of Controlling the Whatsapp from Desktop.


Hi altafneva,

We’ve see many users who want AirDroid support WhatsApp. Actually, we did consider this and tried to add WhatsApp in AirDroid, and we are somewhat successful in supporting WhatsApp. But to use WhatsApp in AirDroid, first of all, the device should be rooted. Next, AirDroid will need some sensitive private information from WhatsApp, this violates our privacy policy (Your data security is among the top priorities of AirDroid) and WhatsApp might not allow this. We will keep working on this and try other methods to see if there’s a better way to support WhatsApp in AirDroid. If you have any ideas, please let us know. Thanks!
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