Control my phone? Really??

Mon Feb 17, 2014 3:44 am in Feature Requests

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Control my phone? Really??

I can dial from the web browser, it is true. However, I cannot enter a pin on the keypad after the call is connected, nor can I mute/unmute the call. These are primary functions of a contemporary phone, and are much needed in AirDroid. I mean seriously, Why even include "end call" button if you don't have these other features.


Hi maThom,
Thanks for your feedback. Sorry that Call function in AirDroid now do not have most of the features you mentioned. But you can click "Reject" to end call.

BTW, "pin on the keypad"? You mean you need to unlock screen when a call comes? Or?


Hi Coffee_. Thanks for addressing my issue. Let me say what I'd like to do, instead of what I think Air Droid does not do. I would like to set my phone on the charger in the middle of my house, and work at my desk with the bluetooth earbud on. When I use your application to dial a phone number from my contact list, sometimes I need to press number keys to work through a phone menu or enter a Personal Identification Number after the connection is made. It would be really swell to do that from my desk, even if the phone is in the other room.

In addition when I am on a conference call I often need to mute my phone. On HTC the mute button is dangerously close to the disconnect button. If I could mute the call from my computer, that would be great. Of course my bluetooth headset has a mute button, but it is difficult to press and unreliable.

Thanks again for this great app!


Sorry that mute/unmute an incoming call is not supported now. We've gathered your feature request and will try to make improvements in future updates.
As to the first part, I don't know if I get you wrong. Have you tried the "Call" feature that I mentioned?



Yes, I do appreciate the feature that allows me to key-in or paste phone numbers and dial them. Also it is great to access my contact list and call those numbers from the browser, so thanks for that. As you know, the two new features that I'd be most interested in are:
1) enter keypad data (see above image) during a call in progress to navigate phone menus and enter PIN
2) Mute/Unmute ( Hold would be nice too!) from the browser window.

These would make me feel really good about continuing premium AirDroid!

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