Font / Text size option on messages and other UI elements

Wed Dec 21, 2011 3:23 am in Feature Requests

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Font / Text size option on messages and other UI elements

I have some sight difficulties with text and would love an option to increase text size on the web GUI. Before anyone suggests, I have used the browser text size option, but using that increase the entire UI whilst hardly affecting the text.
A built in option would be the most effective way I believe.

Any response would be appreciated.


The text color is one thing I would change ASAP. Some of us have vision problems that make it almost impossible to distinguish grey text on white, or off white, backgrounds. Just like this text editor I'm using to enter this text, it would be nice if we could change the text attributes of the SMS text while linked. As is, it's just not cutting it. #text #color


I have been using AirDroid for about one week now and also want to say the gray text on the light background is not easy to see. For contrast, this text box is crisp and clear.


I'd like to say that, overall, this is a really cool and useful program. All of the suggestions here are good ones. A lot of the posts are old, and I rarely see a response from the programmer. I wonder if he/she checks these dixcussion boards?


I am also having problems seeing the white text on the light grey background on the web interface for text messaging. How can I customize or change the font color?
Great program so far

Re: Font / Text size option on messages and other UI elements

I am also having problems seeing the white text on the light grey background on the web interface for text messaging. How can I customize or change the font color?
Great program so far
Can someone please tell me how to increase font size on my AirDroid account page? I can barely read my messages on a 21" screen.
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