Resize Window - Windows Desktop Client

Fri Dec 04, 2015 1:04 am in Feature Requests

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Resize Window - Windows Desktop Client


I'm still in the process of getting used to AirDroid but so far it's absolutely awesome.

That said, I am sort of shocked that the Windows Desktop Client cannot be resized. My desktop resolution is 2560x1440 and the size of the client just doesn't do it for me. Why lock the window size?

Since this is a .NET application, I would imagine you're using System.Windows.Forms. If so, this is such a simple request.

Enable resizing and you'll have another premium member.

Coffee Admin

Re: Resize Window - Windows Desktop Client


I'm still in the process of getting used to AirDroid but so far it's absolutely awesome.

That said, I am sort of shocked that the Windows Desktop Client cannot be resized. My desktop resolution is 2560x1440 and the size of the client just doesn't do it for me. Why lock the window size?

Since this is a .NET application, I would imagine you're using System.Windows.Forms. If so, this is such a simple request.

Enable resizing and you'll have another premium member.


Thanks for the suggestion. Resizing the Windows is not supported now. But I've collected your request and we'll take this into consideration :)
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