Dark theme for Computer App

Fri Aug 12, 2016 7:53 am in Feature Requests

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Dark theme for Computer App

Ever since I got AIrDroid I been wondering if you guys could add a dark mode for the PC program that brightness kills my eyes at night and I would really like a dark mode or grey or something like that
Lillian Admin

Re: Dark theme for Computer App

Ever since I got AIrDroid I been wondering if you guys could add a dark mode for the PC program that brightness kills my eyes at night and I would really like a dark mode or grey or something like that

Hey~Your voice has been heard! We will collect it and seriously discuss within our team. Please keep up with us!

Re: Dark theme for Computer App

I would like know if like you have write before this feature has been discussed and what is the current way on this subject ? I would like "keep up with you" too ! =)
For many reason i would like an other theme (like dark/night). And today this is the only default that I can found on AirDroid : the personalisation.

I really appreciate your work, keep going!
Lillian Admin

Re: Dark theme for Computer App

I would like know if like you have write before this feature has been discussed and what is the current way on this subject ? I would like "keep up with you" too ! =)
For many reason i would like an other theme (like dark/night). And today this is the only default that I can found on AirDroid : the personalisation.

I really appreciate your work, keep going!

Hi, Thanks a lot And voice heard!

Re: Dark theme for Computer App

Hi !

After one year, I come back here to know more. Our voices have been heard but
you didn't keep this in your pipe? This is so sad. : '(

I hope this project keep a good direction and I wish you of good party of the end of year.
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