Sort music by track number (and artist/album folders)

Tue Apr 24, 2012 12:24 am in Feature Requests

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Sort music by track number (and artist/album folders)

I'm loving AirDroid, such a great system. The only gripe I have with it is that using it as a music player isn't quite there yet. At work, I don't have any music on my computer, nor do I have any speakers I can plug my phone into so playing music through my PC via AirDroid is perfect. Only problem is that you can't sort by track number, so I have no way to listen to an album from start to finish in order! I'm sure this would be relatively simple to add, so I'm hoping this appears in a coming update.
Further to that, it would be great if the Music section could be grouped by artist, then album underneath it.

One other thing I've noticed is that when playing music, you can't skip through the song using the tracker. ie. if I wanted to skip to halfway through a song, in a usual music player application you could click the seeker bar halfway and it would jump to that point, that doesn't seem to be implemented here.

Sorry if these things have already been mentioned! I did a quick search and couldn't find it.


Airdroid is such a great app, actually the best on my phone. I do agree with Bubblesnout about the scrolling through the song, this would be really nice. Besides Airdroid seems just to sort songs either by artist, time, size,..and they will play as displayed, It would be great if the next update includes a random playing of songs.

Thank you Airdroid team for the job, this is just owesome.


I second (or third this request) - being able to sort by track number would be a good feature to add to the music player - especially for those of us that listen to whole albums.


+1great work!
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