Desktop Application (Mac and Windows) with USB Transfer Support!

Tue May 08, 2012 10:53 am in Feature Requests

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Desktop Application (Mac and Windows) with USB Transfer Support!

I know it's "AirDroid" but it'd be cool if this feature can extend beyond just wireless transfers and as a standalone application!

I'm no developer but I'm assuming it isn't easy to pull off, but it'll be nice to have such an application, where once you start up, u can choose to connect wirelessly or via usb[/b], and when you click usb, it'll detect if your phone has airdroid running and is connected via usb to the computer, then it'll connect and launch the desktop app right away.

This is great for those who want to use airdroid in a scenario where there is no wireless and they are overseas with no data's even great for everyday use when you want to transfer large amounts of data but wireless isn't fast enough!

It'll be a WAY better management software for say...Samsung Kies, which is mediocre compared to this!

PS. it also means I can uninstall mysms desktop sms app and start relying on just this! haha. =P


Hello, other possibility it's to offer a connection wi fi point to point without a switch or router.
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