Cloud is one way to Sync, but how about Airdroid local sync server.....

Tue May 15, 2012 11:30 am in Feature Requests

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Cloud is one way to Sync, but how about Airdroid local sync server.....

Hi Guys, Or should i address you as "The worlds best App-Droidoers". After Prince of Persia (2D), this is the most refreshing piece of software that i have used and enjoyed immensely. My sincerest thanks for your amazing work. Now with all the providers (cap)ping us using Data, it really doesn't make sense to pay for data to upload every picture and video to cloud and then download onto various devices. What i am going to suggest right now might seem at a first glance a bit redundant but really there is no app that i know of to do this. My suggestion is that Airdroid runs a local server on my Mac as chrome or firefox extension and i will run Airdroid on my Phone, Tablet and even on my smart TV. This local server will have a folder called "Sync" where i can drag stuff from all these devices, or based on time stamp the local server will show us what new from each device and will make a combined list form all the devices. The user can always add or remove items from this generated list, the server will then sync depending on the file type all these devices into their respective folders. How cool is that. Then if you guys want then you can even add Dropbox, Box, Google Drive and others to this mix. I like cloud but with the mobile data cap it gets expensive i guess. Please let me know if you need any help. I am willing to learn and lend a hand. Thanks, hope you pick up this suggestion. Love you all for the wonderful work.

-Praveen Kokkanti


I am not sure how you would do it but a simple API that would allow integration of any web/Cloud app like Dropbox Google Drive should give us lots of possibilities!


It would be even cooler if you make it work with FreeNAS CIFS or NFS...
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