2 Improvements: a - Select multiple photos at once/b - automatic syncing of photos, videos, (music)

Sun Oct 07, 2012 5:34 am in Feature Requests

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2 Improvements: a - Select multiple photos at once/b - automatic syncing of photos, videos, (music)

Hi all,
new on this forum. I just wanted to mention two improvements (things I now miss on airdroid).
1) When going into the photo folder, you have to press all the different photos (if not selecting all the photos) to get them selected. It would be nice to just have a quicker selection tool like in microsoft search, where you can left click and drag.

2) Most of the time I just want to sync my photos with my files on the computer, making sure all photos from my device are uploaded on my computer (to have a backup). That doesn't seem to be an option with airdroid, so a possible improvement for the future.

Hope you agree with mee and hope it will be implemented in the future.
Greetings to all! :)
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