Desktop client, Source

Sun Nov 25, 2012 7:17 am in Feature Requests

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Desktop client, Source

A desktop client might make it easier to include certain features in the application that would be to difficult to implement in a browser. Perhaps coded in Java so that it is multi-platform? Also, if source code could be made available to expand the program might be an option to more easily create the desktop client, or expand the existing client in different ways (e.g. minimalist). You could even perhaps just provide an interface which other applications could connect to, which would also help promote your application.


completely agree to this. another idea to help raise funds is to create a calling filter and add it as a plugin or tool. i would be willing to pay 5 dollars maybe 10 max, depending on how well it comes together. i'd be willing to have to keep it on a usb cord as well if it only works that way.


I agree that this is an excellent idea as well.
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