Payment model

Fri Jun 28, 2013 3:17 pm in Feature Requests

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Payment model

I came to the site today because I've been using your application and I find it useful, and as such I intended to purchase it. When I got here I found no such option. You seem to be under the belief that software is a subscription service. I do not share such a belief. I came here to purchase the full version of your product. It seems you are not willing to sell it to me. I will not be perpetually held ransom to continue to make use of software I have already paid for, by you or anyone else.

Please rethink your business model. I truly like your product. I recommend it's free version to many people. But, where you would have gained a sale to me today, you now have nothing. It's your product and obviously you have the right to name whatever terms you wish, but you will always exclude me and those who feel as I do from financially supporting your product. Maybe there are enough suckers out there to make it worthwhile.

I will check in from time to time to see if you will decide to sell your product under reasonable terms. When you do, you will get my money.
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