[Help & FAQ] List of AirDroid's Help Articles!

Mon Aug 17, 2015 7:46 am in General

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Mina B

Re: [Help & FAQ] List of AirDroid's Help Articles!

Please Delete the AirDroid from my computer as soon as possible. I have downloaded base on the "AirDroid is a free and fast app that helps you manage your Android devices from a web browser, all over the air." now it is payable????

Mina Bassiri
Mina B
Lillian Admin

Re: [Help & FAQ] List of AirDroid's Help Articles!

Please Delete the AirDroid from my computer as soon as possible. I have downloaded base on the "AirDroid is a free and fast app that helps you manage your Android devices from a web browser, all over the air." now it is payable????

Mina Bassiri

Hi~ Most functions of AirDroid is for free, except functions like capture intruder, backup video, remore camera,etc. Which function do you mean? It is optional to pay and you can get Bonus to have most of the functions that Premium account could have.
Always fee; free to contatc us if you have any questions.
Lillian Admin

Re: [Help & FAQ] List of AirDroid's Help Articles!



Re: [Help & FAQ] List of AirDroid's Help Articles!

como hago para activar capture

Re: [Help & FAQ] List of AirDroid's Help Articles!

I purchased the Premium but I can't seem to find it. Get error message that I have used all my data. Can you assist? Fred
Lillian Admin

Re: [Help & FAQ] List of AirDroid's Help Articles!

I purchased the Premium but I can't seem to find it. Get error message that I have used all my data. Can you assist? Fred

Hey Fred~
According to our record, it seems that this ID 13396026 is not a Premium account. Would you please tell us your AirDroid account and Paypal account so that we can give it a further check?
And you can also contact pay@airdroid.com for more help

Re: [Help & FAQ] List of AirDroid's Help Articles!

I need a chat assistance to connect my yu5530 to PC and operate or modify the contacts and messages.
Please help.

Re: [Help & FAQ] List of AirDroid's Help Articles!

where do you find (unknown sources) botton
Charlene Admin

Re: [Help & FAQ] List of AirDroid's Help Articles!

where do you find (unknown sources) botton

Hi neal, could you please tell us more details about it? Is there anything we can do for you? :)
Charlene Admin

Re: [Help & FAQ] List of AirDroid's Help Articles!

I need a chat assistance to connect my yu5530 to PC and operate or modify the contacts and messages.
Please help.

Hi babai,just to be sure..are you willing to edit contact or SMS on PC? If so, these features are available on AirDroid web.:)
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